Kansas State University

美 [ˈkænzəs steɪt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːrsəti]英 [ˈkænzəs steɪt ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti]
  • 网络堪萨斯州立大学;堪萨斯州;美国堪萨斯州立大学;堪萨斯州大学
Kansas State UniversityKansas State University
  1. When I went to Kansas State University in 1979 I immediately befriended several Black students .


  2. Professor Michael O'Shea , from Kansas State University , US , who conducted the research using a computer model , said :


  3. Arguing about money is the top predictor of divorce , according to a researcher at Kansas State University .


  4. A new study from Kansas State University suggests that we spend even more time than previously thought aimlessly browsing the Internet during our office hours .


  5. When his career continued to sputter , Williams switched coaches to train with Cliff Rovelto at Kansas State University .


  6. Douglas Powell , associate professor of food safety at Kansas State University , says food companies will have to start providing consumers with clear evidence of their quality tests .


  7. A study from Kansas State University backs this up : the average US worker spends 60-80 per cent of their time online at work doing things that are quite unrelated to their jobs .


  8. Women who sat near a bouquet of flowers were more relaxed during a typing assignment than women who didn 't have flowers , according to a Kansas State University study of90 women .


  9. Research by two Kansas State University psychologists in 2011 found that the urge to procreate often known as baby fever is strongest in women at younger ages , and decreases as they age .


  10. Eat out less.From research I did with Brad Klontz , a clinical psychologist with an academic appointment at Kansas State University , the difference between the 1 % and the 5 % was straightforward : the 1 % spent 30 % less of their money eating out and saved 30 % more of it for retirement .


  11. ESUCSA is hosting this giant Spring Festival Gala with other Chinese students organizations in U of Kansas , Fort Hays State University .
